Vertical x Cypres Roadshow @ Sky Camp Poland

Back in the early part of 2022, Poland began a huge effort to help Ukraine. Millions of displaced people streamed over the border to try and find a safe place to wait out a pointless conflict. Polish society drew together to offer transitory, temporary, or even long-term solutions for those whose lives had been turned […]
Cypres x Vertical Roadshow @ Adventure Boogie 2022

Skydive Bovec, Slovenia It is now possible to attend skydiving events in many exotic places around the world. Motivated and connected planners have pushed out boogie boundaries into a new category of parachuting holiday – packaged adventure within which jumping out of aeroplanes is a central element, but also sold just as much on the […]
Cypres x Vertical Roadshow @ The Easter Bunny Boogie

In the simplest of terms, a dropzone is the ability to up into the sky in an aircraft and back down again with a parachute. From there, every skydiving operation is a variable concoction of familiar elements used to facilitate each aspect of our sport – from the size and shape of the hangar, through […]
Cypres x Vertical Roadshow @ Hinton Skydiving Centre

Contrary to what movies and television like to tell you about wild-eyed lunatics leaping recklessly out of aeroplanes, skydiving has a lot of rules. British Skydiving is not alone in the number of hoops you have to jump through and formalities you need to take care of to be allowed to get qualified, but when […]
Skydive The Expo 2022

In the UK, skydiving continues through the Winter, pursued by those keen enough to brave the short days of a fairly Northern latitude. This cold, dark journey starts to grind around Christmas and gets worse once you realise that the holidays are far from the end. Buried among this frigid part of the season is […]
Cypres x Vertical Roadshow @ Langar Boogie 2

Back at the beginning of the 2021 season, the ability to plan a road tour to support skydiving events was tricky. The dates for boogies and skills camps began to appear in the new year as usual, but many included the caveat that nothing was finalised and would be subject to change. Visiting a string […]
Cypres x Vertical Roadshow @ Adventure Boogie

In the most basic of all terms, a dropzone is a place where one has the ability to go up in a flying machine and then jump out wearing a parachute. We can, and often do, accept this as all we really need – but we also are a fussy bunch. Dropzones are a complex […]
Cypres x Vertical Roadshow @ The British National Skydiving Championships

The tail end of the UK season means the nationals are looming. It has been another uncertain year for competitions, but the Britons usually turn out strong.
Cypres x Vertical Roadshow @ The Sibson 50th Anniversary Boogie

The roadshow heads Sibson, where we can celebrate two anniversaries at the same time.
Cypres x Vertical Roadshow @ Tilstock Rainbow Boogie

Do we need a Rainbow Boogie? Yes we need a Rainbow Boogie.